
This blog is being used to help me deal with past child abuse, perhaps help me heal and understand why I was a victim.How I survived it and didn't use it as an excuse for all my downfalls, also as a mom myself didn't abuse my children,but had a hard time disciplinning.

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Daddy's Underwear Are To Big

Dear Daddy,

Today was another one of those days when I was thinking about some of the things I'd like to share with you that make me sad. It was a regular school day which I was glad as going to school was a pleasure for me. Well she managed to make that hell for me too. How could mom possibly make school hell for me. When you have to wear your father's underwear to school it's pretty scarry and embarassing. Mom found a way to make those underwear fit me alright, and she also found a way to make me hurt. She wrapped the crutch of your underwear with plastic and tape as she knew when I sat down it would dig into my skin and if the wind blew it would lift my tunic and everyone would see, but I walked pretty stiff with my arms at my side holding down my tunic so it wouldn't blow up as the unerwear were all taped and pinned up so she could make me as uncomfortable as possible. No matter what she did I still got great marks in school as you know yourself. School was my sanctuary away from her sick mind. All the marks on my body you questioned her about came from her, not me teasing the boys at school like she informed you. Mom tried to make me look and feel so ugly, especially when she always had my hair short like a boy. You even asked her why she cut my hair so short all the time and she replied that my hair was so thin it was a way to make it grow in thicker. That was a lie as my hair is thicker now because I get to eat the proper foods. Remember dad alot of my snacks were little pieces of stools from her or my siblings. I rarely had anything to drink, it got so bad I used to sneak into the bathroom and drink from the toilet. I couldn't turn on the tap as she would hear the water so I found a way to atleast get a quick sip or two without her knowing. There's alot more daddy and sometimes it's hard to write them, I want to sit down and tell you but I don't know how you would react. I know it's hard to believe but it's true dad and it drains me just thinking and writing about it. I still love her a bit though daddy, ask me how when I'm finished telling you everything. I'll be back later daddy, love you.

Sunday, August 08, 2004

A letter I started and never finished

Dear Daddy

It's me your little lost girl. This is something I should have done years ago, I tried to tell you once when I ran away . Then I got scared cause I knew when you confronted mom what would happen to me especially if you thought it was lies. I remember you asked me on the drive home if everything was true . Naturally I retracted everything as you were bringing me back to my nightmare to continue on.
It's funny you lived in the same house as me and saw nothing. It was hard for you to but it really was a hell and nightmare for me everytime you walked out that door.I'm hoping this is my cure after living for so many years trying to understand why you let me live a life of terror. I'm mentally and physically damaged still looking for answers as to why you never helped me or could see that I was being treated differently from the rest of my siblings. If my children were being abused in any way I would see the signs as I learnt from the best how to cover up Mom was clever and able to get away with it fo alot of my life. Your were my hero whenever you came home as she really couldn't much to me unless you were sleeping . She always made up double abuse for me for the time you spent at home and she couldn't really torture me. My treat when you left for work was a piece of stool from one of my siblings diapers or she would save a piece of her own stool. I tried so hard just to swallow it but she insisted I chew the stool. It was horrible daddy, and I doubt you would guess she topped it off with a small glass of urine. Maybe that's why I was never sick as urine is used in some cases for a cure I think or maybe it was all the good food you ate so I was still getting some source of food. Mom did alot of sick things to me daddy and my siblings feel for me now as they didn't understand at such a young age. They certainly understand now what hell I went through.
I searched a long time to find a man like you and now I'm glad I didn't. I loved you with my whole heart and soul but you never loved me back or saved me. I really don't know how all this is going to come out when we all decide to get together and tell you, but sooner or later you must know who the bad girl was and the trouble maker and punish her not me.
